
What is the Self?

What is the Self?

Are we just cogs in a social machine? Are we just independent particles floating in an endless ocean? Are we each insignificant specks of dust in an emotionless Universe? Or are we fundamentally connected?

Science now knows our bodies are made of trillions of separate organisms- viruses, bacteria, as well as your own body cells- and we cannot live without this interspecies collaboration that exists within our skin. Each of us is our own biosphere. Nature is made of the same type of interdependence, and the boundary of our Earthling biosphere is a fuzzy border. Where does "Nature" end? Not at the highest layer of our atmosphere-- not at the edge of the Moon's orbit, not beyond our Sun.

Western culture loves to apply a Cartesian dualism to each of its studies-- but we're quickly learning this is not accurate. We are not separate. Want empirical proof? You can study the interdependence of beings in any ecosystem, you can look to the smallest pieces of observable matter in quantum physics, or you can study the effects of gravitation on the Earth's tide, Solar winds and cosmic rays emanating from space and their affect on life on Earth. Everything is connected and interdependent.

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